Sunday, December 30, 2012

The New Year is Upon Us :)

It is simply astounding how quickly time can pass without you realising it… I only have 4 months of school left and no "real" classes anymore.  It still seems like just a few months ago that I started post-secondary and yet it is almost at an end.

University has been a very eye opening experience that I will not soon forget.  Now all I have left are my intensives which are going to be a lot of fun :)

First up, starting on the 7th, is CORSETRY ^_^
This was one of the BIG things that drew me to this entire course, I have always loved corsets and now I have to decide on the time period of the corset I am going to make.

I have narrowed it down to Mid-to-Late Victorian or Late Edwardian.  I am having trouble deciding because I have many gowns that I want to make from both time periods.

And in other news… my Christmas break has been lovely and I am really looking forward to spending New Years with my family :D

And although this doesn't technically count as a costume…
This is a little something I have been working on the past couple days.

If you don't know by now, I just kinda love Beauty and the Beast… just kinda :P