Monday, October 31, 2011

Finished Dress

It is Halloween night and here is a photo of the finished dress. I didn't have time to finish everything I wanted to but I hope you like it :D

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Corset and Dress

The corset is almost finished, all that is left to do is attach the straps than I am done.
So I have started the mock-up/petticoat(don't like to waste fabric) and it is looking pretty good. I don't really have a pattern to follow for this and so I am using reference photos as a starting point.

As you can see there are quite a few great photos to choose from :)

Below is what I have going so far...

And here is my dress :D
This is mostly pinned together and there is only one sleeve so far... I am hoping this will be done by Thursday night so I can make the Spencer, bonnet, and shoes(and if I have time a reticule) on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday...

Here is to hoping this works out.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Here is a look at what I have been doing these past couple days

Here is the outer shell of my corset.

Instead of using boning, I decided to "quilt" my corset.

Halfway through quilting the front

Almost done quilting :)

With Halloween just around the corner, and tons of sewing left to do.
I leave you with a short Good bye :)
I hope Everyone has a Great day.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mock up for my Regency Corset

Here is my mock-up for my corset before I attack it with a sharpie
More pictures to follow

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I am still Alive... I think

It has been well over a month since my last post... oops

School has been keeping me very busy, but I am learning so much.

This semester has just been sailing by, and I can't believe mid-terms are in less than 2 weeks.

AS for Costumes, I am currently working on a Regency gown(no photos yet) for Halloween, complete with corset and bonnet and will hopefully be posting pictures of that soon.

Until then, I will leave you with a picture of my first in-class draping. Can you guess the period of this dress?