Sunday, December 30, 2012

The New Year is Upon Us :)

It is simply astounding how quickly time can pass without you realising it… I only have 4 months of school left and no "real" classes anymore.  It still seems like just a few months ago that I started post-secondary and yet it is almost at an end.

University has been a very eye opening experience that I will not soon forget.  Now all I have left are my intensives which are going to be a lot of fun :)

First up, starting on the 7th, is CORSETRY ^_^
This was one of the BIG things that drew me to this entire course, I have always loved corsets and now I have to decide on the time period of the corset I am going to make.

I have narrowed it down to Mid-to-Late Victorian or Late Edwardian.  I am having trouble deciding because I have many gowns that I want to make from both time periods.

And in other news… my Christmas break has been lovely and I am really looking forward to spending New Years with my family :D

And although this doesn't technically count as a costume…
This is a little something I have been working on the past couple days.

If you don't know by now, I just kinda love Beauty and the Beast… just kinda :P

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Belated Halloween


It has been far to long since I posted anything, but alas life and been busy and time has been short.

Here is a picture of the finished Sleeping Beauty dress for my niece and the Cinderella dress on my other niece

Lovely <3

I am starting a ½ scale reproduction in about 2 weeks so I will try to post pictures as I sew along.
The gown I am reproducing is an 1868 French Court dress worn by a Wealthy American Lady upon her introduction to Napoleon the 3rd's Court.

Here is a picture 
Courtesy of the Philadelphia Museum

Isn't it Pretty ^_^

Friday, July 6, 2012

LOTR Violin Medley

I am posting this partly because of the costume, but mostly because it is lovely to listen to.  
I just discovered Lindsey Stirling today and I love her already :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

1st Summer Project :)

As school was ending last month, some girls from my class and I decided we would have a friendly summer sewing competition.  We each created a list of things we had to finish before we returned to school in the fall, and whomever actually finished the entire list won.

I love the 50's retro style and so as my first wardrobe item, I am designing and sewing a shirt dress with a ¾ circle skirt.

I bought a poly/satin charmeuse polka dot fabric for the dress and I plan to cut it out today :)
I drew some inspiration from the dress Diana Lane wore at the end of the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun"  

I will be posting updates soon, so check back often :)

Ciao :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Latest Endeavour

WOW, it has been over a month since I was last on blogger… Time has been flying by since school ended.

 Anyway, tomorrow is the last day of school(gr.2) for my nephew and so the teacher decided to have a pirate/princess party and the student with the best costume wins a prize.  As a result of this I made him a Pirate costume and here it is…

It cost $7 for all the fabric and just about 7 hours to draft the pattern and sew it together.  My sister is going to take lots of pictures of him in the costume tomorrow.

Fingers crossed for best costume ^_^

(Edit 6/27/12) Here he is in costume :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Final Project for School

Hello Everyone,

It has been far to long since I late posted. I have been fervently working away on my final project for school and next Wednesday I am going to present it to the class. The assignment was to choose a musical and PUNKAFIE it. We then had to choose 4 characters from the show and make them different types of punk, and then from that we had to realize 1 of the sketches on a 1/2 scale model. I chose "Jekyll and Hyde" and my punk genres are Victorian Goth(Emma), Steampunk(Jekyll), Vampire Goth(Hyde), and Raver Punk(Lucy). On the 1/2 scale I am creating Emma's Engagement Dress and I will hopefully have pictures up soon. Until then have a good evening.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hit a few bumps...

Progress on the dress has not been going very good... I have been working on it almost everyday, but a couple of problems have arose >.<

The main problem I am having is the decorative triangular hip points that don't want to sit properly when attached to the bodice. I have changed the pattern slightly and have re-cut it so hopefully it will work this time (and if it doesn't I have to buy more fabric).

I hope to have progress pictures up by the weekend, so until then have a wonderful week.

ps: Happy Leap Year ^_^

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Princess Dress so far

I really didn't get much done this week(visited with family instead), but I thought I would
share what I did.
Because I am drafting the "Princess Pattern" I have been a little crazy about double checking all my measurements and so it is taking longer then usual.

As you can see it already looks like a familiar Princess ^_^
My plans are to finish up the dress tomorrow or monday and have it ALL ready for my niece when she comes to visit next weekend :)

More pictures to follow soon :D

Friday, February 17, 2012

Reading Break

Reading break has started and so I plan to get some photos up soon of my progress so far on the Sleeping Beauty dress.

I would like to know what your plans are for new projects?

Have a good weekend :D

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines

I hope Everyone is having a wonderful day

I finally have a photo of the fabric for the dress I am making for my niece, and here it is :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

I saw Beauty and the Beast live yesterday and is was absolutely AMAZING!!! The entire cast was fabulous, the illusions were awesome, and the costumes and set design were gorgeous. The whole show made me truly realize how much I miss the stage.

As much as I love to sew and design and create, the stage has always been the place where I want to be. The thrill of performing in front of a live audience is something you can't find anywhere else. You can't know what is feels like unless you have done it before, it is a wonderful, magical feeling.

That being said, I don't have any updates on my current costumes, but I have added another to the list. One of my nieces loves Sleeping Beauty and so as a Birthday gift to her I am going to sew the Pink Sleeping Beauty dress.

Pictures will follow soon.

Until then, have a magical week ✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Edwardian Shoes
The American Duchess has done it again... Her newest shoes she has created are so pretty

The pre-sale starts soon so if you like them get yourself a pair before it is too late.

Here are other shoes she has for sale -

Monday, January 9, 2012

Where to buy Silk

I love having teachers who know where to buy fabric and other things at good prices and companies that have awesome customer service.

One such Company is "Exotic Silks" They have quite a few choices of silks at great prices and very good customer service :) To offer these great deals there is a minimum of 15yards per order, but it is worth the savings especially if you are going to do a group buy.

Here is the web site if you want to check them out -

They are California based, and worth keeping their name on file :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Titanic is being Rereleased in 3D

I just found out that Titanic is going to be rereleased in 3D this April and so a couple of friends and I are going to recreate costumes from the film...

and I get to do...

wait for it...

the Swim Dress ^_^

I found a a web page that goes into quite a lot of detail on how to actually make the dress right down to how to Ombre it.

I will be making a Corset for this dress as well, and lucky for me
"Bridges on the Body" is hosting a sew-a-long for an 1911 under-bust corset

Here is to the next few months of Sewing :D

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Past Costumes

This costumes below are dresses that I made to feed my love on Most things D*sney ;)
Belle has always been my Favourite Princess and it was so much fun to finally wear a couple of her outfits. I hope eventually sew all her dresses from the movie.

The photographer for both of the shoots is a good friend of mine
Racheal Allen.

Blue Peasant Dress ^.^

The Gold BallGown
The Castle I used for the Photoshoot is Hatley Castle on Vancouver Island.

Cinderella's BallGown.
I made this for my niece for her 4th Birthday
Cinderella is her favourite Princess ^_-

This dress looks so much better when she is wearing it.
2 of my nieces, aren't they Adorable ^_^
(I didn't make the pumpkin costume but it really works with the story)